Domain Age Checker

Check Domain Age With Our Free Domain Age Checker Tool

Check Age of Domain using Domain Age Checker Tool

The domain age checker tool is the perfect way to find out the age of any website. It is the ultimate tool to help you ensure that the websites you visit are legitimate and trustworthy. With just a few clicks, you can quickly determine the domain age and make sure you are accessing a website that is reliable and safe. The SEOTool247's domain age checker tool is easy to use, fast, and accurate. It will give you a reliable and up-to-date assessment of the website you are visiting.

What is Domain Age Checker Tool?

A domain age checker is a tool that lets you examine the age of domain name. It does this by looking up the registration date of the domain name in a public database of domain name registrations. This information is typically available because all domain names must be registered with an organization called a "registry," which maintains a record of the registration information for each domain name.

 Why do you need to check Domain Age?

There are several reasons why you might want to check the age of a domain name:

  1. To determine the history of a domain: Knowing the age of a domain can give you an idea of how long it has been in use, which can be useful for understanding the history of the website and its content.

  2. To assess the credibility of a website: In general, websites that have been around for a long time may be considered more credible than newer websites. Checking the age of a domain can give you an idea of how long the website has been active.

  3. To gauge the value of a domain: The age of a domain is one factor that can affect the value of a domain name. Older domains may be considered more valuable because they have been around for a longer period and may have more established credibility.

  4. To understand the expiration date of a domain: A domain age checker may also provide information about the expiration date of a domain. This can be useful for understanding when you need to renew your domain or for determining the availability of a domain that you may be interested in purchasing.

How to Check Age of Domain using Seotool247's Domain age checker Tool

To check domain age, you can follow these steps:

  1. Go to a and search the Domain Age Checker.

  2. Now, you can see an address field. You will need to enter the complete domain name, including the "www" portion and the ".com" or other top-level domain (TLD) portion. For example, if you want to check the age of "," you would enter that entire domain name into the tool.

  3. Once you have entered the domain name, you will typically need to click a Check button

  4. After initiating the check, the tool will perform a lookup of the domain name in the appropriate registry database, and return the registration date of the domain name to you. This information is usually displayed in a clear and easy-to-understand format, and may also include additional details such as the expiration date of the domain name.


Checking the age of a domain can be useful for understanding the history of a website, assessing its credibility, and determining its value. To domain age check, simply enter the domain name, and the tool will retrieve and display the age of the domain.

Razi Haider


I am a tech enthusiast and the driving force behind a dynamic SEO Tool website. With a strong focus on SEO, I have developed this powerful platform which offers a wide range of tools to enhance your online presence. SEOTool247 will be very useful for success in your digital journey.