Open Graph Checker

Maximizing the Impact of Your Website's Content on Social Media with Open Graph Checker

Ensuring Correct Open Graph Implementation: A Guide to Using Open Graph Checker

Learn about Open Graph, a protocol that allows web developers to control how their website's content is presented when shared on social media platforms. Discover the importance of Open Graph for website optimization and how to use it correctly. We'll also show you how to use an Open Graph checker tool to test. Let's know more!

What is Open Graph?

Open Graph is a protocol for HTML markup that allows web developers to define how a webpage is represented when shared on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. It enables rich media content such as images, videos, and music to be included in the shared post. This improves the click-through rates, engagement, and shares on social media.

Why it is important for website optimization

Open Graph is important for website optimization because it allows web developers to control how their website's content is presented when shared on social media platforms. By providing accurate and appealing information in the Open Graph tags, web developers can improve the click-through rate, engagement, and sharing of their website's content on social media.

Additionally, using Open Graph tags can help prevent errors such as broken images or missing information when the webpage is shared on social media. Furthermore, it can help to increase the visibility of a website's content on social media by making it more attractive, which can lead to more traffic and conversions. All in all, using Open Graph can help to improve the performance of a website on social media, which can ultimately lead to more website visitors and a higher level of engagement.

What is Open Graph Checker?

An Open Graph checker is a tool that scans a website for the presence and correctness of Open Graph tags. These tags are used to provide information about a webpage, such as its title, description, and image, when it is shared on social media platforms. The OpenGraph checker analyzes the website's code and extracts the information found in the Open Graph tags.

The SEOTool247's Open Graph checker can be used to check for missing tags, incorrect values, or other issues with the website's Open Graph tags. It can also be used to check the Open Graph tags that have been implemented to make sure they are consistent with the website's content, and that they are displaying correctly on social media platforms. 

How to Check Open Graph using SEOTool247's Open Graph Checker Tool

Here are the general steps for using an Open Graph tags checker:

  1. Go to the Open Graph Checker tool on SEOTool247. It includes the Facebook Open Graph Debugger and the Open Graph Checker by SEOptimer.
  2. Once you have found an Open Graph checker, enter the URL of the website you want to check into the tool's input field.

  3. Click on the "Check" button to run the check. The tool will then scan the website's code for Open Graph tags and extract the information found in the tags.

  4. The OG image checker will display the results of the analysis in a report. This report will show you the information that was found in the Open Graph tags, such as the title, description, and image. It will also show you any errors or issues that were found, such as missing tags or incorrect values.

  5. If the Open Graph image checker finds any issues with the website's Open Graph tags, use the information provided in the report to fix them. You may need to update the values of the tags or add missing tags.

  6. After you have made any necessary changes to the website's Open Graph tags, re-run the check to make sure that the issues have been resolved.

  7. Test on different social media platforms, and make sure the content is displayed correctly.


Razi Haider


I am a tech enthusiast and the driving force behind a dynamic SEO Tool website. With a strong focus on SEO, I have developed this powerful platform which offers a wide range of tools to enhance your online presence. SEOTool247 will be very useful for success in your digital journey.